10 Awful Mistakes To Avoid Making On Your Website Homepage

A lady sitting in a cafe working on her laptop

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Mistakes To Avoid Making On Your Website

It is impossible to exaggerate the significance of your website. Your website is most usually your company’s first point of contact with customers. An increasingly competitive world demands that your website visitors enjoy a convenient, informative, and easy-to-transact experience upon their arrival. It’s important to guarantee that your website can be found by potential clients even before they arrive.

You should know that an average looking website risk losing clients, which equates to lost revenue. Unfortunate as it may be, this happens all too frequently. Websites are usually made by business owners to save money and have more control over the project. However, many web designers fail to grasp the principles of effective web design, resulting in a website that isn’t quite useful for the business owners.

Here are the 10 awful mistakes that can ruin your website’s homepage.

A lady holding a "Like a boss" coffee cup

1) Not Have A Clear Headline On The Top Fold

If you don’t have a headline on the top fold of your website, you could be missing out on some great opportunities. A headline in this section is essential as it serves as the first point of contact for visitors to your site and can help drive conversions.

Not having an effective headline can lead to users quickly clicking off your page without taking any action, resulting in lost potential customers or clients. Crafting a headline for the top fold of your website should be done strategically with research and consideration so that it stands out from other pages and grabs attention.

Make sure your headline clearly describes what’s being offered on the page and why readers should continue reading. A well-crafted headline captures your visitor’s attention and straight away they should be able to gauge what your website is all about. The top-fold is the first lot of website real estate that visitors see when they land your site so it’s important to make a good first impression.

When crafting headline, ensure to ask yourself: Does it explain what the page is about? Is it SEO-friendly? Does it stand out from other pages? You should also use action words that prompt visitors to take an action or continue reading. Additionally, consider using headline modifiers such as ‘the ultimate guide’ or ‘essential tips’ so readers can have a clear idea of what they will get when they read your content.

With effective headline writing, you can engage and build credibility with your readers instantly! When done right this will result in increased traffic and conversions for your website. Therefore create attention-grabbing headlines today that grab the attention of those browsing on the web.

A group of three girls with their hands up in the air as the sun is setting.

2) Not Emphasizing What Your Business Does

Having copy that is persuasive, compelling and well-written on your homepage can make the difference between a visitor staying on your website or them leaving. It’s important to emphasize what your business does throughout the copy in order to ensure that visitors understand exactly what it is you offer.

Copywriters are experts when it comes to creating copy that sells – they understand how to use words effectively in order to persuade readers into taking action. A copywriter will be able to create copy for your website’s homepage that specifically highlights the key benefits of your services, products, or offerings while engaging with customers in an effective way.

Writing good copy also shows off the personality behind your brand, allowing customers to get a real feel for who you are and what you offer. It can help to build relationships with customers, as they feel that they truly understand who you are and why they should choose your business over any other competitor.

The copy on your website is also important for SEO purposes – so it’s important to include keywords throughout the copy in order to ensure your pages show up at the top of search engine results. A copywriter will be able to do this in a way that not only optimizes the copy for search engines, but keeps it interesting and engaging for readers as well.

By emphasizing what your business does, using persuasive writing techniques, and working with an experienced copywriter, you can create copy that engages visitors and encourages them to take action.

A man wearing glasses on his Apple iPhone

3) Contact Details Are Missing

Having website contact details is essential for any business website. It provides customers with a way to reach out and make inquiries or connect with the business in some way. By placing contact information on your website, you are demonstrating that you are an accessible and responsible company, willing to address any queries that customers may have.

This is especially important for e-commerce websites, where customers may need help navigating the website or require support when purchasing a product. Having website contact details makes it easier for customers to get in touch and receive assistance quickly. Furthermore, having website contact details adds legitimacy to your website as it shows potential customers that you are serious about doing business online.

Adding website contact details does not only benefit customers but also helps search engine optimization. Having website contact details on the website increases website visibility as websites with contact details rank higher in search engine results. Additionally, website contact details are also essential for building trust and credibility online – customers will be more likely to make purchases if they have peace of mind that they can easily reach out to the company should there be any issues.

In conclusion, website contact details provide your business with increased opportunity for success by helping you achieve better search engine rankings, establish trust with customers, and provide support when needed. Furthermore, website contact details contribute to a professional image and demonstrate that you are an accessible and responsible company willing to address any queries that customers may have. Make sure your website’s homepage has your phone number and email address prominently displayed to maximize the success of your website.

A lady sitting at her desk with a coffee working on her laptop with a pen and notepad beside her

4) Missing A Compelling Value Proposition

Having a Compelling Value Proposition on your website is essential for driving conversions. It is one of the most important elements of your marketing strategy, as it helps consumers to recognize the value in what you are offering and motivate them to take action.

A Compelling Value Proposition is a statement that clearly communicates the benefit and value of your product or service. It should be concise, persuasive and compelling; highlighting why customers should choose you instead of competitors. It also serves to distinguish you from others by emphasizing the unique benefits that make you stand out from your competition.

Including a Compelling Value Proposition on your website will help increase engagement with potential customers and provide clarity about how they can benefit from working with you. Some key benefits include:

a) Establishes a connection between you and customers – A Compelling Value Proposition clearly communicates the unique aspects of your product or service and shows why it is better than those offered by competitors. It also allows potential customers to understand what sets you apart from other products and services, helping to create an emotional connection with them.

b) Increases customer trust – By providing clarity on the value you offer, customers will be more likely to trust in your product or service and make an informed decision when deciding whether to buy from you or not. By outlining the advantages of your offering, potential customers will know exactly what they can expect if they choose to purchase from you.

c) Makes for effective marketing campaigns – Compelling value propositions make for effective marketing campaigns, as they provide the necessary information customers need to be persuaded to purchase from your company. It also lets potential customers quickly understand what makes you stand out from the competition and encourages them to take action.

d) Helps establish a brand identity – Compelling value propositions can help establish a strong brand identity by clearly communicating what makes you different from other companies in your industry. This is particularly useful for small businesses trying to differentiate themselves from larger competitors.

e) Increases customer loyalty – Compelling value propositions create customer loyalty because it reiterates why customers should purchase from you instead of someone else, providing them with an incentive to continue buying from you in the future.

Having a Compelling Value Proposition on your website is an essential part of having a successful online presence. It helps to attract potential customers, increase customer loyalty and brand recognition, and encourages them to take action. By understanding what it is and how it’s used, you can ensure that your value proposition stands out from the crowd and truly resonates with your target audience.

A lady sitting at her desk in her office on her laptop

5) No Unique Selling Point (USP)

Having a Unique Selling Point (USP) on your website is a great way to stand out from the competition and increase customer engagement. A Unique Selling Point is a unique proposition that differentiates your business offerings, products, services or brand from those of your competitors. It typically includes an attribute or benefit that no one else can offer.

Using a Unique Selling Point gives you the ability to set yourself apart in a crowded online landscape, allowing potential customers to quickly identify what makes you special and how you can meet their specific needs. This can be particularly useful when launching new products or services, introducing new features, or simply gaining more visibility for an existing offering. With the right Unique Selling Point, you can establish trust with customers and make them more likely to purchase your

Having a Unique Selling Point also allows you to target specific audiences and reach them with tailored messages. For example, if you offer a unique feature that no one else does, you can create targeted ads or website content that focuses on that specific benefit. This helps ensure that the right people see your Unique Selling Point and understand why it is so valuable to them.

Finally, having a Unique Selling Point can help improve customer loyalty and retention. By offering something different than other businesses in your industry, customers are more likely to stay loyal over time and remain engaged with your brand. In addition, Unique Selling Points can open up opportunities for cross-selling and upsells as customers become familiar with what sets your business apart from competitors.

A Unique Selling Point can be a powerful tool for any business, helping to differentiate you in a crowded marketplace and attract more customers. By consistently offering something that no one else does, you can create targeted ads or website content that focuses on that specific benefit. This helps ensure that the right people see your Unique Selling Point and understand why it is so valuable to them. Additionally, Unique Selling Points can help boost customer loyalty and retention by providing something unique that other businesses don’t have. With the right Unique Selling Point in place, you’ll be well-positioned to stand out from the competition and build a long-lasting relationship with customers.

A picture with two sizes of the letter A to show font size.

6) Hard to read font or bad use of colours

When designing a website, it’s important to use an easy-to-read font. You want your visitors to find the information they need without having to strain their eyes or work hard at deciphering the text. Unfortunately, if you use fonts that are too small or difficult for readers to understand, you can unintentionally disadvantage your visitors and put them off from staying on your site.

Choosing colours for your web design is also key in making it appealing to your audience. It’s important not to use white text on a pale background as this will make it difficult for readers to see what you’ve written and could cause confusion over the meaning of sentences or words.

In addition, using light-coloured font can be difficult to see in the sun, or on a smaller device like a smartphone. As such, it’s important to use fonts that are easy to read and use standard font sizes on your website so everyone can easily view your content. It’s also worth noting that large blocks of text with small font sizes create more strain for the user, increasing their chances of bouncing from the page instead of staying to digest what you have written.

By using fonts that are easy to read and avoiding colours or sizes that make it difficult for users to comprehend your message, you can ensure visitors remain interested in your website and benefit from all the information you have provided. This helps create an overall positive experience as users navigate through your pages.

In conclusion, use of fonts, use of colours and web design should be used to create a comfortable and inviting environment for your visitors. Select fonts that are easy to read with an appropriate size, use contrasting font colours on light or dark backgrounds, use standard-sized text and avoid using white text on pale backgrounds. All of these factors will go towards creating a positive user experience when navigating through your website. With careful consideration of the use of fonts and colours, you can make sure your website is as appealing as possible to potential customers or viewers.

By following these steps, you can ensure every visitor has an enjoyable experience when visiting your website which in turn will help build brand trust and loyalty within your audience.

A finger pointing towards a laptop screen

7) No Lead Capture

Are you looking for ways to increase website traffic and generate more leads? Lead capture is an effective tool that can help you do just that. By capturing website visitor information as soon as they arrive on your website, you are able to build a database of potential customers and nurture them through the sales funnel.

The benefits of lead capture are endless—it’s a great way to stay organized and connected with website visitors, acquire valuable customer data, increase website engagement, generate more qualified leads faster, and even improve user experience. With website lead capture, you can easily create forms that prompt website visitors to provide contact information in exchange for a product or service offered on your site. This process makes it easy to get in touch with website visitors, start to build relationships, and increase website conversion rates.

Once you have your leads in hand, there are plenty of things you can do with them. For example, you can send personalized emails that offer exclusive deals or promotions, arrange follow-up calls to discuss specific products or services they’re interested in, and automate lead nurturing campaigns so that website visitors stay engaged over time and more easily convert into customers down the line.

When it comes to following up with website leads, it’s important to strike a balance between not pushing too hard but also keeping your leads warm. Depending on the type of product or service being offered on your website, setting standard expectations for timely follow-ups is key—try to reach out within 24 to 48 hours upon initial website lead capture.

With website lead capture, you are able to identify warm leads and prospects that may be interested in your business’s offerings—this puts you at a huge advantage compared to cold-calling or networking with the hope of finding people who need what you have. Not only is website lead capture an effective way to source new customers, but it also helps build relationships with existing ones too. By following up regularly and offering tailored solutions based on what website visitors have shown interest in, businesses can foster loyalty and trust among their customer base, driving sales in the long run.

Overall, website lead capture is essential for any business looking to grow its customer base and attract potential buyers. It’s a cost-effective method of finding leads and nurturing relationships with website visitors, allowing you to stay in touch with them on an ongoing basis. Additionally, it can help you gain valuable insight into the interests and needs of website visitors, which can be used to tailor your services or product offerings over time.

A web developer sitting at his desk looking at his computer

8) No Lead Magnet Created

A website lead magnet is a powerful tool that website owners can use to grow their businesses. It’s an effective way of driving website traffic and generating leads by offering website visitors something of value for free, such as an eBook, white paper, or other digital assets.

Lead magnets are used because they provide website owners with a way to start building relationships with potential customers and get them to sign up for newsletters or other forms of communication. The idea is that you offer website visitors something valuable in exchange for their information (such as email address) so that you can keep in touch with them and nurture the relationship further down the line.

Lead magnets have proven to be incredibly effective at increasing website viewership, growing leads, and improving website conversions. That’s because website visitors are more likely to give their information if they are getting something in return—and you can make sure that your offer is worth it!

There are a variety of lead magnets you can create for your website, depending on what kind of audience you want to attract and the message you want to convey. For example, eBooks or white papers provide readers with valuable information about a specific topic, while checklists or templates can help website visitors stay organized and productive. You could also offer free consultations or webinars to demonstrate your expertise in the industry.

Lead magnets can also tie into newsletter subscriptions by offering website visitors something valuable for signing up for regular updates about your website, product launches, special offers, and more. This is a great way to build your mailing list and encourage website visitors to opt-in for regular updates about your website. With the right lead magnet in place, website visitors are much more likely to subscribe to your newsletter, as they know they’ll receive something of value in return.

An effective lead magnet should have several important features; it should be easy to access, offer website visitors an incentive that has real value to them, and most importantly provide information that will be useful and relevant to the website’s target audience. When creating lead magnets for your website, always consider the needs of the website visitor first – what would they find most valuable? Ensure that this key factor is at the heart of any lead magnets that you create.

There are a variety of website lead magnets that you can use to capture website visits and encourage website subscribers. Some popular types of lead magnets include:

  • Ebooks or guides
  • Free resources like checklists, templates, or cheat sheets
  • Exclusive membership/access to content or services
  • Online courses or tutorials
  • Discounts on products or services
  • Email newsletters with exclusive content

Lead magnets are an effective way to encourage website visitors to subscribe to your newsletter and stay in touch with them over time. They provide website visitors with an incentive they can gain immediate value from while helping website owners build relationships with their audience and establish their authority within their niche.

A man looking at his phone in front of his laptop

9) Missing a Call-To-Action (CTA) Button

A call to action (CTA) button is an element of web design that encourages site visitors to take a specific action. They are used as a way to guide users through the website, helping them complete tasks quickly and easily, from signing up for newsletters or downloading content. By providing clear instructions on what action should be taken, CTAs reduce friction in completing the required step and make it simple for users to do so.

The effectiveness of call-to-action buttons has been well documented, with studies showing that they can significantly increase conversions and engagement on websites. To be successful, it’s important to create a compelling CTA message which stands out visually and communicates clearly what the user needs to do. You also need to make sure it’s placed prominently on the page where users are likely to notice and interact with it.

Some of the different types call-to-action buttons you can create for a website include:

  • Sign Up
  • Buy Now
  • Download
  • Subscribe
  • Register
  • Contact Us
  • Donate Today!
  • Get Started
  • Get Started Now
  • Learn More
  • Follow Us
  • Join Now!

Call-to-action buttons work by prompting users to take immediate action by providing them with an easy way to complete a task they may have been considering. By presenting a call to action button, you give your audience clear direction and guidance, helping them navigate your site easier.

Call-to-action buttons are an effective way of driving conversions for your website and can be used in a variety of different ways. For example, if you want to boost sales on your ecommerce store, you could add a call-to-action button to the product page encouraging customers to buy now. Similarly, if you want to increase newsletter sign ups, adding a call-to-action button with compelling copy is sure to help bring in more subscribers.

Ultimately, call-to-action buttons are designed to prompt users into taking desired actions on your website. When used correctly, they can be extremely effective at driving conversions and improving user experience.

A reviews paperbased checklist

10) Missing Testimonials

Client testimonials are powerful tools to help companies strengthen their credibility, demonstrate trustworthiness and boost sales. They provide third-party validation for a product or service by providing reviews from real customers who have experienced the product or service firsthand.

A client testimonial on a website can be extremely effective in persuading prospective buyers to make purchases. By showcasing authentic customer reviews, you are demonstrating that your company is reliable and trustworthy, which increases people’s confidence in your products or services. The presence of client reviews also helps create an atmosphere of social proof; when potential customers see others talking positively about a product or service, they are more likely to want to buy it themselves.

Not only do client testimonials attract new customers, but they can also help increase sales among existing customers. A client testimonial serves as an endorsement of the product or service, which can further encourage current customers to purchase more in the future.

If you’re looking to get client testimonials for your website, it’s important to make sure you are asking for reviews that accurately reflect customer experiences. Before asking a customer for a review, make sure they have had ample time to use the product or service and give them specific questions to answer about their experience. Additionally, be sure that any reviews you post on your website are authentic and come from real people who have experienced your products or services firsthand. By taking these steps, you will ensure that your website has accurate and authentic client testimonials that can boost your credibility and drive sales.

Client testimonials can be a highly effective way to increase website traffic, build trust with potential customers, and convert leads into paying customers. Studies show that nearly 90% of consumers trust online reviews when making a purchase decision, so the more positive client testimonials you have on your website, the better. Furthermore, customer testimonials provide social proof to potential customers that other people are already enjoying your products or services – which is often enough to encourage them to make the same choice.

A business owner asking a client for a testimonial from his desk

How To Ask For A Client Testimonial

The most important thing to remember when asking for client testimonials is that they should come from real individuals who have experienced your product or service firsthand. This means it’s important not to offer incentives such as discounts or money for a positive review – this could be seen as an attempt to manipulate the results.

A great way to solicit client testimonials is to reach out directly and ask customers you know had a good experience with your business if they would mind writing a short review. This can also be done through email, social media, or even in-person at events. Additionally, it’s always nice to thank those who do provide reviews and show them that their opinions are appreciated by publicly displaying their reviews on your website or other marketing materials.

Client testimonials have been proven time and time again to be incredibly effective at increasing conversions and sales and are essential for any website.

Mistakes To Avoid Making On Your Website

Understanding how to think like your potential customers is the first step in driving more sales and ensuring that your homepage makes a great impression. By following the tips we’ve provided, you can rest assured knowing that your homepage is working hard to convert visitors into paying customers.

If you need help getting started or want professional assistance, our team of experts are here to help. Contact us today to get started on making your website work for you!

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Peter Lowen Constructive Visual

Peter Lowen

Senior Web Developer | CEO

Peter Lowen is the founder and CEO of Constructive Visual, a website design and hosting company. He has been creating websites since 2005 and writes content on business, marketing, web design, sales training, web hosting and WordPress related topics.

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