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The Ultimate Guide to Single Page Websites

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Table of Contents

The Best Platforms To Design A Single Page Website

Are you looking for the best website platform to design a single page website? You’ve come to the right place! This article will help you decide which options are best suited for your needs, whether it be for a personal portfolio or business site.

We’ll start by looking at the different types of platforms available, and then discuss which features you should consider when making your choice.

A web designer going through a website redesign layout on a page attached to a whiteboard

Types Of Platforms For Designing Your Single Page Website

There are two main types of platforms you can choose from to design your single page website: open-source and web-based. Open source platforms offer more flexibility, as you can customise the code to your needs. They also have a thriving community of developers who are ready to help and answer questions. On the other hand, web-based platforms usually come with all the tools you need for designing and hosting a website, but they may be more limited in terms of customisation.

Creating a single page website is easy and economical with open-source platforms. Take, for instance, Jekyll – one of the most popular static site generators available. Using templates and basic HTML or CSS knowledge, you can quickly create an attractive one-page website that is both lightweight and fast loading.

Another great option for creating a single page website is Hugo. This platform uses a powerful templating language to quickly generate static HTML files from your content. As well as being simple and lightweight, the output of Hugo sites look modern and are optimised for SEO.

WordPress can also be used to create single page websites. With the right plugins, you can design a one-page website with all the features you would expect from a full-fledged website, including easy navigation and custom elements. WordPress also provides access to a wide range of themes so you can create an aesthetically pleasing site quickly and easily.

Overall, open-source platforms make it easy to design a single page website without having to invest in costly development resources. Whether you’re looking for something simple or something with all the bells and whistles, there is an open-source platform to help you create your perfect one-page website.

Website Hosting Required!

For open-source platforms you will require web hosting to store your website files.

A lady working on her laptop at her desk with a website on the screen.

What Is Required On A Single Page Website

A single page website is a popular way to showcase your products, services or brand in an effective and concise manner. They are designed to be easily navigable and provide users with all the information they need without having to scroll through multiple pages.

This type of site typically consists of five key sections:

  • Introduction: A brief summary of your business, product or services to capture the reader’s attention.
  • About Us: A statement about your brand and the story behind it that conveys why you are different from competitors.
  • Services/Products: A detailed look at what you have on offer and a call to action button for visitors to make a purchase or inquire further.
  • Reviews/Testimonials: Positive customer and industry feedback to build trust in your brand.
  • Contact Us: A form to make it easy for potential customers to get in touch and find out more.


The layout of your single page website should be designed for maximum visibility. You want to have a clear and eye-catching headline at the top, followed by an engaging introduction. Your services or products should be listed clearly with descriptions that draw attention to the unique advantages of each one. A contact form should be located at the bottom for quick and easy communication.

By utilising a single page website, you can provide visitors with all the necessary information in an organised and concise manner. This type of website works well for businesses that don’t have a lot of content to share but still want to make sure their brand is noticed. With the right design and content, you can make sure your single page website stands out from the crowd.

Single page websites are a great way to have maximum impact with minimal effort; they provide an excellent balance between visibility and efficiency. The key to success is in crafting compelling copy that captivates visitors and encourages them to take action. If you can create a website that communicates your message and invites visitors to explore further, then you have effectively reached your goal.

For small businesses looking to make a big impact, a single page website is the perfect solution. With its simple navigation and persuasive copy, you can ensure that potential customers have all they need to know about your product or service in just one click.

A group of marketers sitting around a table and looking at a monitor

Single Page Websites Vs. Multi-Page Websites

Single page websites and multi-page websites both have their own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the purpose of the website. Having an understanding of each type of web design can help you decide which is most suitable for your project.

Benefits of a single page website

Single page websites are designed to be compact, with all information (including text, images, and videos) on a single page. This makes them ideal for businesses looking for an efficient way to showcase their products or services quickly and effectively without overwhelming visitors with lots of content.

A single page website is also easier to build than a multi-page website, as there’s no need to create multiple pages and associated navigation. This is particularly useful if you want to quickly launch a site without spending too much time or money developing it.

Benefits of a multi-page website

Multi-page websites allow for greater flexibility when it comes to content and design. With multiple pages, you can provide visitors with an in-depth look at your business, products and services. This is especially useful if you have lots of content to share or want to create a more detailed business profile.

Multi-page websites also tend to be simpler for visitors to navigate as they can easily switch between pages using menus and navigation buttons. This helps them find the content they’re looking for quickly and easily.

When should you use a single page website?

Single page websites are most suitable when you want to make a quick impact with limited content. They are perfect for small businesses that simply need an online presence, or for larger companies who wish to advertise their products and services in an efficient manner without overwhelming visitors with too much information.

When should you use a multi-page website?

Multi-page websites should be used when you want to provide an in-depth look at your business and services. They are ideal for larger businesses, as they allow more flexibility when it comes to the amount of content that can be shared on the site. This could include everything from detailed product descriptions to customer testimonials and more.

Which way to go with your website

Both single page websites and multi-page websites can be beneficial depending on the needs of your project. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to showcase your brand or services, then a single page website could be the ideal solution. However, if you need to provide an in-depth look at your business, then a multi-page website could be more appropriate. Ultimately, the choice is down to personal preference and purpose of the site.

Regardless of which type of website you decide to use, ensure that it’s designed with usability in mind by following best practices such as using clear navigation and intuitive design. This will help visitors quickly find the content they’re looking for and create a positive user experience.

Good web design is essential if you want to make the most out of your website, so it’s worth taking the time to consider what type of site will best meet your needs before getting started.

With careful consideration, you can be sure to choose the right option that will help you achieve your goals and reach your target audience. Whether you pick a single page website or multi-page website, the key is to ensure it provides a great user experience and showcases your business in the best light.

A man and a women sitting on a couch talking and taking notes on a website on a laptop on the coffee table

Why Single Page Websites Are So Popular With Small Businesses

Single page websites are becoming increasingly popular amongst small businesses for a variety of reasons. Business owners and entrepreneurs appreciate the cost savings associated with single page websites, as they do not require extensive coding or design work compared to more complex sites. Single page websites are simpler and faster to build than traditional multi-page sites, making them ideal for those who need to get a website up and running quickly.

Single page websites are often preferred by businesses with limited resources, as they offer an efficient way to present a high-impact message without breaking the bank. Common business owners that utilise single page websites include freelancers, plumbers, electricians, restaurant owners, service providers, photographers and consultants.

Single page websites are also highly effective for creating a strong first impression with potential customers. As they require less information to complete, users are more likely to fill out forms or make enquiries as the process is easier and quicker than traditional multi-page websites. Single page websites give businesses the opportunity to stand out from their competitors by presenting a modern, eye-catching design that helps them capture attention in an increasingly competitive online market.

Having a one-page site provides an effective platform for businesses to showcase their work and services in a streamlined manner. By focusing on core features such as contact information, customer testimonials, product and service descriptions, and portfolio galleries, businesses can create a website that accurately reflects their brand identity while providing visitors with the essential information they need.

A man pointing at a laptop screen with two girls watching.

Pros vs Cons Of Single Page Websites

Having a single page website can be an effective way to promote your business online. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this approach to web design, which should be strongly considered before you make any decisions. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons:


  • Cost: A single page website is generally much cheaper and faster to set up than multiple page websites, since there are fewer elements to design and code.
  • Easier User Experience: Single page websites are often better for the user experience, as users can quickly skim through all the information they need on one page.
  • Mobile Optimisation: Single page websites are also better suited for mobile optimisation, since there is less content to adapt and resize.
  • Brand Focus: When you have a single page website, the focus is solely on your brand message, which helps strengthen your online presence.


  • Limited Content: With single page websites, you may be limited in terms of the amount of content you can include, since everything must fit on one page.
  • SEO Limitations: A single page website may also have limitations when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), as there is only one URL to optimise for search engines.
  • Design Constraints: It can be more difficult to create a visually appealing design with all the content on a single page, so you may have more design constraints.
  • Accessibility Issues: Single page websites can also be less accessible to disabled users, as they must scroll through all the content instead of being able to easily navigate between different pages.
A web designer looking at a whiteboard working out a marketing strategy for their client

What Is Required On A One Page Website

When it comes to building a one-page website for your small business, there are many things to consider. As the owner of a small business, you are likely looking to make a strong and lasting impression on potential customers, so you need to ensure that your web content is professionally written and compelling.

To help make the process smoother, here are some items to get ready before handing your website over to your web developer:

  • Your brand guidelines, ensuring that the overall look and feel of your web page is consistent with your brand.
  • A clear idea of what content you want on your one page website: this could include brief descriptions about yourself or your business, case studies, a portfolio section, customer reviews, and contact information.
  • A list of the various sections you want on your page, including headings, subheadings, and any other elements that need to be included.
  • Keywords and phrases related to what you do: these should be used in a compelling and persuasive manner throughout your web content.
  • Graphics or images that illustrate your services or products in an attractive way.
  • Your logo and any other visual elements you plan to include on your website, such as icons or backgrounds.
  • Social media links to your accounts, enabling visitors to stay connected with you.
  • Links to any press coverage or external sites relevant to your business.


Taking the time to get these items ready before approaching your web developer will make the process a lot smoother and help ensure that your one page website looks professional and stands out from the competition.

It is important to remember that an effective website must be optimised for both desktop and mobile devices. Make sure that all of your content is formatted correctly so that it displays properly on different devices, as this will help ensure that your website reaches its full potential.

A web designer structuring a website layout plan on a piece of paper at a desk

The Benefits Of A One Page Website

  1. Cost Savings – Single page websites are significantly cheaper to develop than multi-page websites. This is because they have fewer pages and require less coding, making them easier and faster for designers to create. Additionally, you don’t need to pay for maintenance fees associated with multiple pages as there’s only one page that needs updating or changing on a regular basis.

  2. Simplicity – Single page websites are easier to navigate and less confusing than multi-page sites. This makes them perfect for small businesses, as users don’t have to spend time searching around a website trying to find the information they need. The information is instead presented in one place, making it simple for users to find what they’re looking for quickly.

  3. Better User Experience – Single page websites give users a better experience due to their simple design, allowing them to get the information they need quickly and easily. This is important for small businesses as it creates a good impression of the business and makes it easier for customers to interact with them. Additionally, single page websites are responsive, which means they look great on any device.

  4. Improved Conversion Rates – Single page websites are often better at converting visitors into customers, as they allow businesses to present all their products or services in one place, creating a more appealing experience for the user. This makes it easy for users to find the information they need and make an informed decision about whether they want to purchase a product or service. Additionally, single page websites often have fewer distractions and less clutter than multi-page sites, making it even easier for users to make a decision.

  5. Easier Maintenance – A single page website is much easier to maintain than a multi-page website as there is only one page that needs updating or changing. This helps save time and money as there are fewer pages to manage, making it much easier for businesses to keep their websites up-to-date. Additionally, the single page design allows businesses to make quick changes and updates without needing developer help.

  6. Better Mobile Optimisation – Single page websites are often better optimised for mobile devices than multi-page sites due to their responsive designs. This is important for small businesses as it allows them to reach more customers and build a larger customer base. Additionally, mobile users often prefer the simpler single page design over multi-page sites, making it easier for them to find what they’re looking for quickly.

  7. Improved Brand Perception – By having a well-designed single page website, small businesses can create a better impression of their brand and make it easier for customers to interact with them. This helps build trust and loyalty as customers are more likely to remember the business if they have an enjoyable experience visiting the website. Additionally, having a good looking website is often seen as a sign of quality and reliability, making it easier for businesses to attract new customers.

  8. Increased Visibility – Single page websites are often easier to be found online due to their simple designs and better optimisation for search engines. This is important for small businesses as it helps them gain more visibility on the web, which can lead to more traffic and sales.


Having a single page website can be an effective way for small businesses to market their products or services online. The cost savings, simplicity, improved user experience and increased visibility all make it an attractive option for businesses looking to build their online presence.

A lady making payment with her mobile phone in a shop

How Single Page Websites Help Small Business Owners

Having a single page website gives small business owners in Australia the ultimate control they need to manage their online presence. A single page site is more reliable than having an account on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram; these accounts can be shut down, hacked or cancelled at any stage without warning, leaving you with no way to recover your content.

A single page website provides an easy, reliable way for small businesses to showcase their products or services on the web. With only one page to manage, updating content is quick and easy – meaning a business can stay relevant and up-to-date with minimal effort. Single page websites are also incredibly user friendly; visitors don’t need much time to find what they’re looking for, as everything they need is right there.

For small business owners in Australia, having a single page website provides peace of mind and assurance that their online presence is secure and maintained with minimal effort. Visitors to the site can trust that the content on display is always up-to-date and relevant – meaning they are more likely to purchase or interact with the business. Plus, with a single page website, businesses can easily manage their brand image and maintain consistency across all channels.

Overall, having a single page website is an ideal solution for any small business looking to establish or improve their online presence in Australia. It provides them with control over their content, while also ensuring visitors to the site have a clear and easy experience. In just one page, businesses can create a presence that accurately reflects their brand and provides customers with the information they need to make decisions about their purchases or interactions.

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Peter Lowen Constructive Visual

Peter Lowen

Senior Web Developer | CEO

Peter Lowen is the founder and CEO of Constructive Visual, a website design and hosting company. He has been creating websites since 2005 and writes content on business, marketing, web design, sales training, web hosting and WordPress related topics.

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