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When Is The Best Time To Refresh Your Website?

Two girls working at a florest looking to refresh your website on a tablet

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Do You Need To Refresh Your Website?

How often do you update your website? Is it a frequent occurrence, or do you wait until significant changes are made? If you’re like many business owners, you may not be sure when the best time to refresh your website actually is.

The answer:

By general rule of thumb, you should redesign your website once every two to three years.

This is because if your website is older than three years — since it was first created — odds are it is very outdated!

As technology changes,  advancements in website coding and design functionality changes, your website should be changing with it to not only stay current but also to work with these new devices. An outdated website that isn’t working for your visitors can be hurting your business and costing you sales until it gets fixed.

In this post, we’ll offer some guidance on when is the best time to refresh your website. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of what needs to be considered before hitting the “refresh” button. So, let’s get started!

A lady working on her laptop at a dinning table

What Is A Website Refresh?

A website refresh usually refers to changing a company’s existing site by refreshing its design, content, and sometimes even functionality. A web re-design doesn’t necessarily mean a brand new look but an updated version of what you already have.

Make sure not to confuse a site re-design with a total-brand rebranding, which might include things like adopting an entirely new colour scheme or using different font types for headings and subheadings.

These changes can be small or large, but the goal is always to improve upon what’s already there. Sometimes a complete re-design is necessary, while other times, only minor tweaks are needed.

Website UX Design written with a pen in a notepad as a website page layout

Why Do You Need A Website Refresh?

There are many reasons you might want to consider refreshing your website. Maybe your website is starting to look dated, or maybe you’ve recently made some changes to your business (like a rebrand) and need your website to reflect those changes.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to understand why you’re refreshing your website before making any changes. This will help ensure that the refresh is successful and accomplishes what you set out to do. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1) Your Website Is Your First Impression

Your website is often the first place potential customers will go to learn about your business. As such, your website must make a good first impression. If your website looks outdated or isn’t user-friendly, it could discourage potential customers from doing business with you.

Making sure your website is up-to-date and user-friendly should be a top priority. A website is often the first contact people have with your business, so you want to make sure it represents your business well. Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating or updating your website:

  • Use high-quality images that accurately represent your business
  • Keep the design clean and simple
  • Make sure the site is easy to navigate
  • Include clear calls to action
  • Be sure to include your contact information

If you take the time to create a good website, it will pay off in the long run. A well-designed website can help you attract new customers and grow your business.

2) Consider Your Target Audience

When refreshing your website, it’s important to consider your target audience. What are their needs and wants? How can you best appeal to them? By keeping your target audience in mind, you can ensure that your refreshed website will be relevant and engaging for them.

Answering these questions can help you create a website that’s more effective and more likely to appeal to your target audience. Keep them in mind as you work on your redesign, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

3) Timing Is Everything

The timing of your website refresh is also important. If you refresh your website too often, it could seem like you’re always playing catch-up. On the other hand, if you don’t refresh your website often enough, it could start to look stale. Finding the right balance is key.

Timing is everything when it comes to refreshing your website. The best time to refresh your site is when you have new and exciting content to share with your audience. This could be in the form of a new product, service, or even just a new blog post. If you wait too long to refresh your site, people will get bored and may not come back.

Timing is also important when it comes to search engine optimization. If you make changes to your site too frequently, it can hurt your ranking in the search results. However, if you wait too long between updates, your site will become stale and may start to slip in the rankings. The key is to find a happy medium that works for you and your business.

4) Don't Forget SEO

If you’re planning a major refresh of your website, it’s important to consider its impact on your SEO. Any changes you make to your website, such as changing the URL structure or re-designing the navigation, could affect your search engine rankings. As such, it’s important to plan carefully and consult with an SEO expert before making any major changes.

When you embark on a major refresh of your website, it’s important not to forget about search engine optimisation (SEO). SEO should be a key consideration throughout the process, from the initial planning stages right through to launch.

Good SEO will help to ensure that your new website is visible in search engine results pages (SERPs), helping you to attract more visitors and generate more leads and sales. It can also help to improve your brand awareness and reputation.

There are many different aspects to SEO, so it’s important to work with an experienced agency or consultant who can advise you on the best strategies for your business. However, there are some basic things that you can do yourself to get started.

Here are some changes that you can add to your website to get better SEO results:

  • Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions
  • Optimize your images with keywords
  • Create quality content that is relevant to your target audience
  • Promote your website on social media
  • Build backlinks from high-quality websites.

5) Budget

Last but not least, you’ll need to consider your budget when refreshing your website. A complete website overhaul can be expensive, so it’s important to set a realistic budget for your project. Once you’ve determined how much you’re willing to spend, you can start planning the specifics of your refresh.

If you’re working with a limited budget, there are still plenty of ways to refresh your website on a shoestring. Simple changes like updated copy, new images, and a refreshed design can make all the difference. Even small changes can give your website a much-needed boost, so don’t be afraid to get creative.

No matter what your budget is, there are ways to refresh your website without breaking the bank. By being strategic and planning ahead, you can create a website that looks amazing without spending a fortune. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to start planning your website refresh!

A web designer showing a client their website

The Difference Between A Website Refresh And A Complete Re-design

Before we dive into when is the best time to refresh your website, it’s important to understand the difference between a website refresh and a complete re-design.

Last but not least, you’ll need to consider your budget when refreshing your website. A complete website overhaul can be expensive, so it’s important to set a realistic budget for your project. Once you’ve determined how much you’re willing to spend, you can start planning the specifics of your refresh.

a) Refreshing Your Website

A website refresh is typically less extensive than a re-design and usually focuses on specific site areas, such as the navigation, content, or design. A website refresh can be a great way to give your website a new look without starting from scratch. Furthermore, a website refresh is usually less expensive and time-consuming than a complete re-design.

b) Website Re-design

On the other hand, a complete website re-design is a more comprehensive approach that involves completely overhauling your website. This could include anything from changing the URL structure to starting from scratch with a new platform. A re-design can be a major undertaking, so it’s important to carefully consider whether it’s the right choice for your business.

A website layout in graphic form

What Exactly Is A Website Re-design?

A website re-design, also called a site re-design, is a process that allows you to improve an existing (and sometimes mature) online presence by improving its user experience and navigation.

The main purpose of any re-designing exercise should be improving user experience while retaining visitors and search engine rankings, as well as any other factors. A quick Website Re-design Perth can help you do that in case you’re looking for such options. However, before choosing it as an option, it’s better to learn about some of the top tips for planning out such a major project. Here are those tips

1. Think Through What Changes You Want To Make

The first step is thinking through all of your needs for a website re-design. You may want to change how your pages look or make big changes like revamping your content or making it more mobile-friendly. Before approaching anyone with ideas on how they can work on changing things up for you, all these decisions need to be made. 

There are a lot of factors you will need to consider when it comes to changes to your website. Things like your budget, how much time you have, and what changes will actually add value to your website should all be taken into account. You don’t want to end up making changes that are unnecessary or that will end up costing you more money in the long run.

Once you have a good idea of the changes you want to make, it’s time to start looking for someone who can help you make them happen. If you’re not comfortable making changes yourself, there are plenty of web design and development professionals who would be happy to help. Just be sure to do your research and find someone who you feel confident will be able to do these changes for you.

2. Decide Whether Or Not To Bring In Experts

Bringing in professionals might not always be necessary, but if there are complex issues involved with your current design, it might be worth paying someone else who has dealt with similar problems before and has already come up with solutions that will fit into whatever plans you have set forth for yourself. 

When it comes to your website, you want to make sure that it is always looking its best. This means keeping the content fresh and updated, as well as making sure the design is modern and appealing. One way to ensure that your website is always looking its best is to hire a professional web designer.

There are many advantages to hiring a professional web designer, including:

  • They will have the latest skills and knowledge: A professional web designer will have the latest skills and knowledge when it comes to web design. They will be able to create a website that looks modern and is easy to use.
  • They can help you save time: If you try to update your website yourself, it can take a lot of time to learn the programs and how to add the content you want. A professional web designer can do all of this for you, so you can focus on running your business.
  • They will make sure your website is always up to date: A professional web designer will regularly update your website with the latest information and changes. This means that your customers will always be able to find the most up-to-date information about your company.
  • They can help you create a unique website: If you want a website that is different from all the others, then you need to hire a professional web designer. They will be able to create a custom website that fits your specific needs and wants.

If you are looking for someone to help design and update your website, then hiring a professional web designer would be the best option.

3. Get Feedback On Any Designs Or Prototypes

There’s no sense in spending too much money and effort creating something that doesn’t match what people want. Before investing too much money into anything, take some time to get feedback from people whose opinions you trust (like family members & co-workers). This will give you an idea of whether or not people would actually use whatever it is you end up coming up with. 

Website research is critical to the success of any online business. By understanding what your audience wants and needs, you can create a website that provides them with the information they’re looking for. Additionally, by knowing which pages need to be created and what questions to answer, you can ensure that your website is comprehensive and easy to navigate. By taking the time to do your website research, you can be confident that you’re creating a website that will meet the needs of your target audience.

4. Find Out About Available Budget Options

This might seem obvious, but when dealing with businesses specialising in Website Redesign in Perth, it pays off to find out exactly how much each option costs before moving forward. Some options may cost more than others, depending on their features.

There are a few things to consider when budgeting for a website redesign. The first is to decide what tasks need to be completed in order to achieve the desired goal. Once you have a list of specific tasks, you can then research how much each task will cost. This will help you determine whether or not you can afford to complete the project within your budget.

Another thing to consider is what changes you want to make to your website first. Some changes may be more expensive than others, so it is important to prioritize your goals. For example, if you want to add a new feature to your website, this may require more development time and therefore cost more money. However, if you simply want to change the look of your homepage then this may be a less expensive option.

Once you have an idea of what changes you want to make and how much each change will cost, you can start to research different budget options. There are many ways to finance a website redesign, so it is important to find the best option for your needs. You may want to consider using personal savings, taking out a loan, or finding an investor. Each option has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to weigh all of your options before making a decision.

No matter what budget option you choose, it is important to stick to your budget and not overspend. Website redesigns can be expensive, but if you manage your finances carefully then you can ensure that the project gets completed.

5. Do Some Research On What You Can Do Yourself

It might sound silly, but many people don’t know how to update their own websites or blogs. If you know how to do such things, why pay someone else hundreds of dollars just to do something that could save you money in the long run? 

If you’re researching a web redesign, there are a few things you can do yourself to make the process easier. First, take some time to assess your current website. What do you like about it? What do you think could be improved? Once you have a good understanding of your current website, you can start researching possible design changes.

There are a few different ways to research web redesigns. You can look at other websites in your industry to see what they’re doing and get inspiration for your own redesign. You can also search for web design trends online and see what’s popular right now. Finally, don’t forget to ask your target audience what they would like to see on your website. After all, they are the people that will be using your website the most.

Once you’ve gathered some ideas, it’s time to start planning your redesign. Decide what changes you want to make and how you want your website to look. Once you have a plan, you can start making changes to your website yourself or hire a web designer to help you.

Making changes to your website yourself is a great way to save money on your redesign. If you’re not sure how to code, there are many online resources that can teach you. Or, if you’re feeling really ambitious, you can even learn how to code from scratch. Just remember, when it comes to coding, take things one step at a time and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck.

6. Consider Hiring A Virtual Assistant

Hiring a virtual assistant might be a good idea if you don’t have enough knowledge or resources to update your site regularly. They can help keep track of everything related to maintaining your site while also doing research and keeping track of everything relevant so that they can let you know when it’s time for them to update certain aspects of your site. 

There are several advantages to hiring a virtual assistant (VA) for web design projects. First, you can find VAs with a variety of skill sets and experience levels. This means that you can find a VA who is a perfect fit for your particular project. Second, VAs are often more affordable than traditional designers. This can be a great way to save money on your web design project.

However, there are also some potential disadvantages to hiring a VA. First, there may be language barriers. Make sure to hire a VA who speaks your language fluently to avoid any communication issues. Second, there may be time differences between you and your VA. Keep this in mind when setting deadlines and communicating expectations.

If you choose to use a virtual assistant, this may be a cheaper option but it may not necessarily mean that you will get a high-quality product. Do your research and be clear about your needs and expectations to find the right virtual assistant for you. It may be worth paying for a professional website designer rather than being caught paying for more hours than necessary or not getting the results you were expecting.

7. Set A Realistic Time Frame For Your Requested Changes

Rushing things is never a good idea, especially regarding website redesigns. Make sure to set a realistic timetable for yourself so that you don’t put too much pressure on yourself (or your team) and give yourself room for error. After all, this is something that will represent you and your business online, so it’s important to get it right the first time.

When you’re planning a website redesign, one of the most important things to do is set a time frame. This will ensure that your project stays on track and doesn’t end up taking longer than necessary.

There are a few things to consider when setting a website redesign time frame. First, think about how complex your website is and how much content needs to be migrated over. If you have a large website with lots of content, it’s going to take longer to redesign than a smaller website.

Another thing to consider is the scope of your project. If you’re just making cosmetic changes, it will probably take less time than if you’re completely overhauling your website. Be realistic about what can be accomplished in the time frame that you’re requesting.

Your web design agency may have multiple projects that they’re working on at one time. You will need to factor in their schedule when setting your website redesign time frame. Make sure to give them enough time to complete your project without rushing it, but also be aware that you may not be their only priority.

Finally, make sure you’re realistic about the time frame for your website redesign. It’s important to set a deadline so that you can measure progress, but don’t expect your website to be perfect overnight. Give yourself and your web design team some room to breathe and allow for some flexibility in the timeline.

8. Be Prepared For Some Downtime

There’s no way around it; any type of website re-design is going to cause some downtime. The key is to plan for it and be prepared as much as possible so that you can minimise the impact it has on your business. Make sure to have a backup plan in place so that you can keep things running smoothly even during the re-design process.

Your website is about to undergo some changes! Whether you’re redesigning your site or just making some updates, downtime is inevitable. But don’t worry – with a little preparation, you can make sure your website downtime doesn’t impact your business.

First, let your customers know that you’ll be performing maintenance on your site. You can do this through email, social media, or even in person if you have brick-and-mortar locations. Make sure they know when the downtime will occur and what changes to expect when the site comes back up.

Next, have a plan in place for how you’ll continue to generate sales during the downtime. This could include directing customers to your brick-and-mortar locations or taking orders by phone and email.

By following these simple steps, you can make sure your website redesign goes smoothly – and that your business doesn’t miss a beat.

9. Check Out Other Companies' Sites

Just because you’re looking for ways to improve your website doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try looking at other companies’ sites. Getting inspiration from others can sometimes help spark ideas and put together new ones that you never even thought were possible.

Looking to create a website that will stand out from the rest? Check out other companies’ sites in your industry and take note of what they are doing well. From the keywords they are targeting to the images and layout they are using, you can learn a lot from your competition. Use this research to improve your own site and create a user experience that will keep visitors coming back.

Take note of any sections that you would like to include on your own website and any functionality that you think would be beneficial for your visitors. With a little research, you can create a site that is both unique and user-friendly. Give your visitors what they are looking for and you’ll be sure to stay ahead of the competition.

10. Make Sure It Works Across Multiple Devices

Not everyone uses computers anymore, meaning those looking at your site may see it differently based on their device of choice. Your main goal should be to ensure that it looks great across multiple devices regardless of size or shape (phone, tablet, etc.).

Website functionality on multiple devices is important for businesses today. Mobile devices are becoming increasingly popular and more people are using them to access the internet. It’s important for businesses to have a website that works well on these devices so that they can stay ahead of the competition.

There are several advantages to having a website that works on multiple devices. First, it allows businesses to reach a wider audience. Second, it makes it easier for customers to find and use your website. Finally, it helps businesses keep up with the latest trends in technology.

Mobile-friendly websites are important for businesses because they are a quick and easy tool to get information and make purchasing decisions straight away. A mobile responsive website is also more likely to be bookmarked and remembered, as well as shared with others.

It’s important to keep in mind that the future is mobile. More and more people are using their mobile devices to go online, and this trend is only going to continue. Website owners need to make sure that their website is accessible and easy to use on these devices.

If you’re not sure how to make your website work on multiple devices, there are a few things you can do. First, test your website on different devices. Second, use responsive design techniques to ensure that your website looks good on all screen sizes. Finally, make sure that your website loads quickly on all devices. As devices are changing every year, it’s important to update your website every few years to stay ahead of this growing technology trend.

A lady holding a red timer while looking at a website on her laptop at a desk

When Is The Best Time To Refresh Your Website?

There’s no simple answer when it comes to refreshing your website. It depends on your business and goals, but with all of that in mind, we’ll walk you through some timing factors you should consider when refreshing your site. After reading these points, you’ll know exactly when to launch a refreshed version of your site so it can be most effective.

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give your website much thought after it’s up and running. But if you want to keep your site looking its best and attract new visitors, it’s important to stay on top of all of the latest trends and updates.

Here are a few signs that it might be time for a refresh:

  • Your site is starting to look dated. If your website looks like it was built in the early 2000s, it’s time for an update. Websites today are much more visually appealing, so an outdated design can turn potential customers away.
  • You’re not getting as much traffic as you used to. If your website isn’t generating as much traffic as it used to, it could because it’s falling behind the times. A fresh, modern website will be more likely to attract new visitors than an outdated one.
  • You’re not ranking as high in search results. Search engines are constantly changing their algorithms, so if your site isn’t keeping up, it could be affecting your rankings. A well-optimized website will help you rank higher in search results and get more traffic.
  • You’re not mobile-friendly. With more and more people using smartphones and tablets to access the internet, it’s important that your website is designed for mobile devices. If it’s not, you could be losing out on a lot of potential traffic.


If you’re thinking about updating your website, keep these things in mind:

1) A Website Is Critical To Representing Your Company

A website is one of the most important ways to represent your company. It’s often the first thing people will see when they’re looking for information about your company. So, it’s important to make sure your website is up-to-date and accurate. Here are some tips on how to do this:

a) A Website Is A Sales Tool

Your website is often the first impression a potential customer or client will have of your company. If it’s outdated, chances are they’ll write you off as unprofessional and not worth their time. In today’s day and age, first impressions are everything, and you only have one chance to make a good one. Your website must be up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies so you can show that you mean business.

Your website is available 24/7 to act as a salesperson for your business. Make your customers aware of your products and services. Inform your audience, teach your audience.

Your website is the perfect platform to showcase your products and services. You can use it to target a specific audience and promote your brand. Use compelling content and calls to action to encourage your website visitors to take action.

Make sure your website is optimised for search engines so that potential customers can easily find you online. Use effective marketing techniques to drive traffic to your website and convert visitors into customers.

Your website is a powerful sales tool that can help you reach new markets and grow your business. Invest in making it the best it can be to be rewarded with increased sales and brand recognition.

b) Importance Of Keeping Your Website Constantly Updated

Your website is a direct reflection of your company, so keeping it updated with the latest news, products, services, and anything else you think would be relevant to your audience is important. If you don’t update your site, people will quickly lose interest and move on to someone who does.

Most people understand that they need to keep their website up-to-date with new and relevant content. What they may not realize, however, is just how important it is to do so. Google values updated content and this can attract more clients.

Think about it this way – when was the last time you visited a website that hadn’t been updated in months or even years? It doesn’t inspire confidence, does it? Keeping your website current shows potential clients that you are active and engaged. It gives them the impression that you are keeping up with the latest trends and that you are invested in your business. This can make all the difference when someone is considering using your products or services.

Your website is much like a brick-and-mortar store. If you give your store a fresh paint job and have new and interesting products in your shop window, people are going to be more inclined to come in and have a look around. The same goes for your website. Keeping it updated with fresh content is an effective way to attract new visitors and keep them coming back for more.

What’s more, Google loves fresh content. So if you are regularly updating your website with new and relevant information, you are likely to see a boost in your search engine ranking. This can translate into even more traffic and potential customers for your business.

So there you have it – a few good reasons to make sure that you keep your website up-to-date. By doing so, you will be able to reap the benefits of increased traffic, higher search engine rankings, and more potential customers.

c) Importance Of Website Great Copy

Your website’s copy is just as important as its design. In fact, it might be even more important because it’s what people will actually read and take in when they visit your site. If your copy is outdated, inaccurate, or just plain bad, people will leave your site and never come back. Make sure to keep your copy fresh and up-to-date to keep people engaged and interested in what you have to say.

It is no secret that having great copy on your website is one of the key ingredients to having a successful online presence. But what exactly is great website copy? And how do copywriters write for the best copy?

Great website copy is all about creating compelling and persuasive content that speaks to your target audience. It needs to be well-written, informative, and interesting enough to keep people engaged.

Copywriters achieve this by understanding both your business and your target audience. They use this knowledge to craft messages that resonates with your audience and speaks to their needs. This, in turn, helps convert website visitors into leads or customers.

So if you want to take your website to the next level, invest in quality copywriting services. It will make a world of difference in your results.

As a business owner, you should care about having great copy on your website for several reasons:

  • It helps you rank higher on search engines.
  • It persuades people to take action.
  • It builds trust and credibility with your audience.
  • It sets you apart from your competition.
  • It’s an investment that pays off in the long run.


If you’re not convinced, consider this: businesses that have well-written website copy tend to see better results than those that don’t. So if you want to give your business the best chance at success, make sure you invest in quality content.

d) Use Professional Looking Images

Another important thing to keep in mind when refreshing your website is to use professional-looking images. People are visual creatures and will often base their opinion of your site on the images they see. They’ll quickly move on to someone else’s site if they’re not impressed. Create high-quality images that are relevant to your content so people can get a sense of what you’re all about.

If you’re running a business, you want your website to look professional. That means using high-quality images that are relevant to your brand.

Professional images make your site more relatable and trustworthy. They can also help convey your brand message more effectively.

So if you’re not using professional-looking images on your site, you’re missing out on a chance to improve your business. Hiring a local professional photographer is a great way to get high-quality images for your site. And it doesn’t have to be expensive. Speak to your photographer about website quality image packages to see if the price differences between their standard photo packages and website-specific images. You may be surprised at how affordable it can be to get the high-quality images you need.

If you’re not ready to hire a professional photographer, there are still plenty of ways to get great images for your site. Use sites like Unsplash and Pixabay to find high-quality, free stock photos. These sites have thousands of beautiful photos that you can use for your website, social media, or marketing materials. And best of all, they’re free! So if you’re on a budget, don’t worry – there are still plenty of ways to get great images for your site.

A man working on a SEO Plan for a client and taking notes on a sticky note

2) Importance Of A Well Optimised Website

A well-optimised website is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, it will help you to rank higher in search engines. Secondly, it will ensure that your website loads quickly and efficiently. And thirdly, it will make sure that your website is accessible to everyone. Here are some tips on how to optimise your website:

i) Losing Visitors Because Your Website Is Taking Too Long To Load

You will likely lose visitors if your website takes too long to load. So, it’s important to make sure that your website loads quickly. It can be frustrating for users, so make sure to test your site’s speed and make the necessary changes to ensure it’s running as quickly as possible.

If your website is taking too long to load, you’re likely losing visitors. And that’s bad for business.

Slow page speed can negatively impact everything from your conversion rate to your search engine ranking. It’s important to make sure your website loads quickly and efficiently.

There are a number of things you can do to improve your website’s load speed. Here are a few tips:

  • Use caching to improve performance
  • Optimize images and other media
  • Minimize HTTP requests
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN)
  • Compressing images


By following these tips, you can help ensure that your website loads quickly and smoothly, providing a better experience for your users.

ii) Checking Your Website Performance

Website performance is important for a number of reasons. Not only will it ensure your site is running smoothly, but it can also help you identify any areas that need improvement. You can use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool to check your website’s performance and see where you need to improve. Just enter your URL, and the tool will give you a report with specific recommendations on how to improve your site’s speed.

Checking the performance of your website is important to ensure that it is running smoothly and efficiently. There are a number of reasons why website performance is important, including:

  • Google likes fast websites: Google has stated that website speed is a ranking factor, so if you want your website to rank well in search results, you need to make sure it loads quickly.
  • Slow-loading websites can lose visitors: If your website takes too long to load, people will likely leave before it even finishes loading. This means you could be losing potential customers or readers.
  • Fast websites provide a better user experience: In general, people prefer fast websites over slow ones. A faster website will give your visitors a better experience and make them more likely to come back.
  • A great website hosting provider can help: Having a fast website depends on many factors, including your web hosting. A good web host will have servers that are optimized for speed and can help your website load quickly.

If you want to make sure your website is performing well, there are a few things you can do to check its performance. Here are some tips:

  • Use a website speed test: There are various tools you can use to test how quickly your website loads. This will give you an idea of where your site needs improvement.
  • Check your server response time: This is the time it takes for your server to respond to a request from a visitor. The faster the better – aim for under 200ms.
  • Monitor your page load times: This is the time it takes for your pages to fully load. Again, the faster the better – aim for under 2 seconds.
  • Use a performance monitoring tool: There are various tools available that will monitor your website’s performance and give you detailed reports. This can be a useful way to track your progress over time.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your website is performing at its best. If you have a slow-loading website, it could be costing you visitors and sales. So, make sure you check its performance regularly and take action to improve it.

A screenshot of error messages from a website that has errors on the page

3) Signs Your Website Needs An Upgrade

Your website is one of the most important tools you have for your business, so it’s important to keep it up-to-date. Keep an eye out for these signs that your website might need an upgrade. If you’re not sure whether your website needs an upgrade, here are some signs to look for:

a) Missing Or Not Working Functionality

If your website is missing important features or functionality, it’s definitely time for an upgrade. People expect a certain level of functionality from websites these days, so if yours is falling short, it’s going to turn people off. Make sure all the important features are working properly and that your site is easy to use.

b) Broken Links On Your Website

If there are broken links on your website, it’s going to make you look unprofessional. Not only that, but it can also hurt your SEO since search engines will view it as a sign of a low-quality site. Check all the links on your site regularly and fix any broken ones.

c) Google Bounce Rate Is High

Your website’s bounce rate is the percentage of people who leave your site after only viewing one page. If your bounce rate is high, it’s a sign that people are leaving your site without exploring it further. This could be because your site isn’t relevant to what they’re looking for or because it’s not user-friendly. Take a look at your analytics to see your bounce rate and make changes accordingly.

A brown queen on a chest board surrounded by white and brown pieces

4) Comparing Your Website To Your Competitors

It’s important to keep an eye on your competition to see how you stack up. If their website is better than yours, it could be a sign that you need to make some changes. Take a look at their site and see what they’re doing that you could be doing better. Then, make the necessary changes to improve your own site. Follow the below tips for the best way to compare your website to others:

i) Take Note Of What's Appealing On Your Competitor's Websites

It’s important to keep an eye on your competition to see how you stack up. If their website is better than yours, it could be a sign that you need to make some changes. Take a look at their site and see what they’re doing that you could be doing better. Then, make the necessary changes to improve your own site. Follow the below tips for the best way to compare your website to others.

If you’re looking to improve your website and get ahead of the competition, it’s important to take a close look at what they’re doing that’s working well. Here are some key areas to compare:

  • Functionality: Is there anything you can add to your website to make it more user-friendly or offer more value?
  • Call To Actions (CTA): What types of call to actions are they using, and how effective are they?
  • Content: What topics are they writing about, and what keywords are they targeting? Are their articles engaging and well-written?
  • Pages: What type of pages are they creating, and what is the overall structure of their website?
  • Traffic: How are they getting traffic to their website? What marketing techniques are they using?
  • Appearance: Is their website visually appealing? Do they use colour and images effectively?

By taking the time to compare your website to your competition, you can get a better understanding of what you need to do to improve your own site. By offering more value, being more user-friendly, and creating compelling content, you can start to attract more traffic and convert more leads. So don’t wait – start comparing your website today!

ii) Plan Out Re-designing Your Website Page By Page

Once you’ve decided it’s time for a re-design, planning it out carefully is important. Don’t try to do everything at once, or you’ll end up with a messy, disorganised website. Instead, focus on one page at a time and ensure each one is designed well before moving on to the next. Besides, redesigning your website page by page will be much easier on your budget.

A website redesign is a big undertaking. But with careful planning, it can be a smooth and successful process.

The first step is to take inventory of your current website. What pages are there? What content is on each page? What functionality do you have? What do users experience when they visit your site?

Once you have a good understanding of your current website, you can start planning what needs to change. What pages need to be created or removed? What content needs to be added or deleted? What functionality needs to be improved? What user experience needs to be improved?

Once you have a clear plan, you can start implementing the changes page by page. Starting with the most important pages first. This will ensure that your website redesign is successful and meets the needs of your users.

If you need help planning or designing your website redesign, contact a web design company today. They will be able to help you create a website that is beautiful, functional, and user-friendly and make suggestions to get the best outcome from your redesign. Contact us today to learn more about our web design services. We would be happy to help you plan and execute a successful website redesign.

iii) Working Out What Functionality Would Work Best For Your Website

Functionality is important for any website, so you must ensure that yours is up to par. Take a look at your competitor’s sites and see what kinds of functionality they have that you don’t. Then, decide which ones would work best for your own site. Remember, though, that you don’t want to add too much functionality, or your site will become cluttered and confusing.

If you’re looking to get more leads and sales from your website, there are a few key areas you can focus on. Adding new functionality to your website can help you achieve these goals, but it’s important to think about what would work best for your particular business and audience.

Consider your audience and the speed of the internet that they are connecting to your website as the more functionality that you include on your website, the longer it will take to load. If you have a very large audience or are targeting users with slower internet speeds, you may want to focus on adding lighter functionality and not including video or chatbots.

Some potential areas to consider adding functionality to are your home page, product or service pages, and contact page. Each of these pages has a different purpose, so it’s important to consider what would work best on each one.

For example, on your homepage, you want to make sure that visitors can quickly and easily understand what your business is all about. Adding a video or an interactive element can help with this. Product and service pages should be focused on conversion, so adding things like price comparisons, customer reviews, and testimonials can be helpful. And finally, your contact page should make it easy for visitors to get in touch with you. Adding a contact form or a live chat option can make this happen.

Remember, when it comes to website functionality, it’s important to think about what would work best for your business and your audience. By doing this, you can ensure that you’re getting the most out of your website.

iv) Making The Website Easier To Navigate

Your website should be easy to navigate, or people will quickly get frustrated and leave. Take a look at your competitor’s sites and see how they’ve organised their content. Then, try to make your own site even easier to use. Keep the navigation simple and intuitive, and make sure all the important pages are easy to find.

Remember how frustrating it is to driving around in your car and get lost? If you’re as old as I am, you may have started your life planning to get to places using a map book. These days, we rely on electronic navigator systems or Google Maps to get us to places but even those devices can get us lost! On a website, it is important to guide your visitors to where you want them to go; making it easy for them to find their way around.

If your website is difficult to navigate, people will likely leave and never come back. You don’t want that. You want people to stay on your site, look around, and maybe even buy something. The last thing you want is for someone to get frustrated and click away.

There are a few things you can do to make sure your website is easy to navigate.

The first thing you need to do is simplify your navigation menu. Don’t try to pack too much into one menu. Stick to the essentials and group items together logically. If you have a lot of items in your navigation menu, consider using a drop-down menu. This will make it easier for people to find what they’re looking for without being overwhelmed.

Another thing you can do to improve navigation on your website is to use clear and descriptive labels for your links. Don’t use vague labels like “Click Here” or “More“. Tell people exactly where the link will take them. For example, if you have a link to your contact page, label it “Contact Us“.

You should also use breadcrumbs on your website. Breadcrumbs are links at the top of a webpage that show the path someone took to get to that page. They help people backtrack if they get lost and they also help with SEO.

Finally, make sure all of the links on your website are working. Nothing is more frustrating for a user than clicking on a link and getting an error message.

If you follow these tips, you can make your website much easier to navigate for both users and search engines. making your website easier to navigate will help improve the user experience, which can lead to more sales and conversions.

v) Adding SEO to your website

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a backbone of a strong website. If you want your site to rank well in search engines, you need to make sure it’s optimised properly. Take a look at your competitor’s sites and see how they’ve used keywords and other SEO tactics. Then, try to use those same techniques on your own site. Remember, though, that you don’t want to go overboard with the keywords, or you could end up getting penalised by Google.

SEO can help your website in a number of ways. First, it can make your site more visible to search engines, which will, in turn, lead to more traffic. Second, it can help you to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), which will also result in more traffic. Finally, SEO can help to improve the usability of your site, making it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

All of this means that SEO is an important part of any website redesign project. If you want your new site to be successful, you need to make sure that it’s optimised for search engines. Otherwise, you could end up losing out on a lot of potential traffic.

There are a few different things that you need to do in order to make sure that your site is optimised for search engines. First, you need to choose the right keywords. Keywords are the terms that people use when they search for something on a search engine. You need to choose keywords that are relevant to your business and that people are actually searching for.

Second, you need to make sure that your site is structured in a way that search engines can understand. This means using proper tag hierarchy and adding alt text to images. Speak to your web design agency about SEO plugins that can be added to your WordPress website.

Third, you need to create content that is high-quality and keyword-rich. This content needs to be informative and useful if you want people to read it and share it.

Finally, you need to build links to your website. This can be done by guest blogging on other websites, creating infographics and sharing your content on social media.

SEO is essential for a new website redesign because it will help you get found online, attract more visitors and ultimately generate more leads and sales for your business. Investing in SEO will pay off in the long run, so make sure to include it in your budget.

A web designer sitting on a couch with a laptop on her lap taking a telephone call on her mobile

5) Not Getting Enough Enquiries

If you’re not getting enough enquiries, it could be a sign that your website needs some work. There are a few things you can do to increase the number of enquiries you get, such as:

a) Make Sure Your Online Form Is Functioning

If you’re not getting any form enquiries, the first thing to do is test the form to see if a response is sent to your inbox. If you don’t receive a response, check that the plugin is working and test your outgoing SMTP server with your web hosting provider. By taking these steps, you can be sure that your website is functioning properly and that potential customers are able to contact you.

If the form is functioning correctly and you are not receiving any enquiries it is likely that your form is not in a clear enough location on your website. Make sure that the form is prominently displayed and easy to find. You should also provide links to the form on other pages of your website, such as the contact page.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your online form is functioning properly and that potential customers are able to find it and fill it out.

b) Giving Your Visitors A Clear Path To Contact You

If you want visitors to take action and contact you, it’s important to make it easy for them to do so. That means having a clear call to action on your website, as well as links from articles that take visitors directly to your contact form.

You should also have a link in the footer of each page, so visitors can always find a way to get in touch. By making it easy for people to contact you, you’re more likely to hear from the ones who are really interested in what you have to offer.

If a visitor is unable to find how to contact you, they may give up and look elsewhere. So make sure your call to action is clear and easy to spot. Not all visitors will use a contact form to contact you so make sure that you offer alternative methods such as a phone number or chatbot.

c) Advertising On Social Media Or Search Engines To Point Back To Your Website

There are many ways to get people to visit your website, but advertising on social media or search engines is a great way to get started. By creating social media accounts and running ads, you can promote your products and services, and point people to your website.

You can also run targeted Google ads to landing pages on your website to get website traffic, which will promote products, services, product launches, and your latest events.

Don’t forget to add your website to your business cards and email signatures! Promotional material such as stickers, mouse mats, and coffee cups with your business logo and website address are also great ways to get people to remember your site.

Word of mouth is another great way of promoting your new website redesign and attracting new website visitors. So make sure you tell all your friends, family, and colleagues about your new website!

A laptop displaying a website

6) You've Updated Your Products Or Services

Updating your website to reflect those changes is important if you’ve made changes to your products or services. Otherwise, people will get confused and think you no longer offer what they’re looking for. So, if you’ve made any changes to your business, make sure to update your website as well. Follow the below tips to do this:

i) Get More Sales By Making People Aware Of What You Sell

If you want to make more sales, you need to make sure people are aware of what you sell. The best way to do this is to update your website and make it clear what products or services you offer. You can add new pages or blog posts or update existing ones. Besides, you can also add a banner or popup to your website to grab people’s attention and let them know what you offer.

It’s important to make people aware of what you sell online. Product guides and PDF brochures can help provide the information a visitor needs to make a purchasing decision. By including relevant keywords in your content, you can ensure that potential customers will find your products and services easily.

Consider getting product testimonials from satisfied customers to post on your website. Customer reviews can be extremely influential in the purchasing decision process. If you have strong customer reviews, be sure to showcase them prominently on your website and in your marketing materials.

Make it easy for visitors to find your contact information so they can get in touch with you if they have any questions. Include a phone number, email address, and physical address (if applicable) on every page of your website. You can also include a contact form on your website that allows visitors to send you a message directly.

Including clear and concise product information on your website is essential for making sales online. By following these tips, you can ensure that potential customers will be able to find the information they need to make a purchasing decision.

ii) Educate Your Audience About Your Products/Services

If you want people to buy your products or use your services, you need to educate them about what you offer. The best way to do this is to write clear and concise descriptions of your products or services on your website. You can also add photos or videos to help people understand what you offer. Besides, don’t forget to add testimonials from satisfied customers to show people you’re credible and trustworthy.

If you want to increase sales, you need to educate your audience about your products and services. Video is a great medium for product education. It can show people how a product works and the before and after shot can help increase sales. Service education is also important. If people don’t understand a service, they’re not going to use it. An education video can help explain what a service is and how it can benefit them.

iii) Announce Promotions And Sales

If you want to increase your sales, you need to let people know about any promotions or sales you’re running. The best way to do this is to update your website and add a banner or popup announcing the promotion.

When you’ve got something new to sell, it’s important to get the word out there in a way that will reach your target audience. Social media is one of the best ways to do this, as you can share product announcements and sales information with a large group of people quickly and easily. Plus, making your audience aware of new products can keep your website fresh and attract new customers.

To get started, craft a product announcement or sale post that is clear and concise. Be sure to include key details like what the product is, a bright and visually appealing photo, how much it costs, and where people can buy it. You can also include persuasive language to encourage people to purchase the product. For example, if you’re announcing a sale, you might want to include a discount code or mention how limited the sale is.

Once you have your product announcement or sales post written, it’s time to share it on social media. You can do this by creating a new post on your company’s Facebook page or by tweeting about the product from your company’s Instagram account. If you have a large following on social media, you might even want to pay for social media advertising so that more people see it.

Announcing promotions and sales on social media is a great way to reach a wide audience and generate interest in your product. Be sure to send out an email blast to your subscribers to let them know about your new product!

A mobile phone and book on a table to outline a branding kit

7) Had New Branding Done For Your Business

Updating your website to reflect the new branding is important if you’ve had new branding done for your business. This includes things like your logo, colours, and fonts. Otherwise, people will get confused and think you’re a different company. So, if you’ve made any changes to your branding, update your website as well. Here are some tips on how to do this:

a) If You've Updated Your Logo, Update Your Website!

Your logo is one of the first things people will notice about your website. So, if you’ve updated your logo, you must also update your website. This means adding the new logo to your website and removing the old one. You should also update any branding materials you have, such as business cards, flyers, and email signatures.

Make sure that your new logo is web ready in a size and format that is suited to your website. If you upload a overly large copy of your new logo onto the website, it may take longer for your website to load and/or look out of place if it hasn’t been sized correctly.

A professional web designer can ensure that you have a correctly sized and formatted logo in your header, footer and wherever else placed on your website. If a background needs to be removed, you will need to provide a copy to your designer or request one from the graphic designer that has created your logo.

The more popular website logo file formats are .jpg, .png, .gif, .svg and later can be compressed into .webP for better compression for smaller file size to increase website loading times.

b) New Company Colours

Your company colours are another important part of your branding. So, if you’ve updated your colours, you must also update your website. This means changing the colours of your website to match your new branding. You should also update any other marketing materials you have, such as business cards, flyers, and email signatures.

When redesigning a website, choosing new company colours is an important step. The colours you use on your website can say a lot about your brand. They can also help to make your website more eye-catching and memorable.

Think carefully about where you use colour on your website. You want to create a balance between different colours, and you also don’t want to overwhelm visitors with too much colour. Try to stick to a limited palette of colours that work well together.

Some colours have specific meanings that you may want to take into account when choosing your company colours. For example, blue is often associated with trustworthiness and calmness, while red may be seen as exciting and energetic. Green is often associated with nature and growth.

Choose colours that you feel reflect your company’s values and personality. New company colours can help to give your website a fresh, modern look.

c) New Fonts On Your Website

If you’ve updated your fonts, you must also update your website. This means changing the fonts on your website to match your new branding. You should also update any other marketing materials you have, such as business cards, flyers, and email signatures.

If you’re planning on giving your website a facelift, new fonts can be a great way to freshen things up. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right ones?

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Firstly, consider the overall tone and messaging of your site. What kind of feeling do you want to convey? Playful and friendly? Serious and professional? Select fonts that will help communicate those messages.

Secondly, take into account the readability of your text. If your site is heavy on content, you’ll want to make sure the font is easy to read. Sans serif fonts like Arial or Helvetica are typically best for body copy.

Finally, make sure you’re mindful of copyright issues. Some fonts are free to use while others require a licensing fee. Be sure to do your research before selecting any new fonts for your site.

A hand pointing to a website on a laptop screen

8) New Sections Required For Your Website

If you’ve added new sections to your website, it’s important to update your website to reflect the new content. This includes things like adding new pages, blog posts, or even a whole new section. Otherwise, people will get confused and think you don’t have what they’re looking for. So, if you’ve made any changes to your website, make sure to update it accordingly. Here are some tips on how to do this:

i) Adding New Pages

If you’ve added new pages to your website, updating your navigation to reflect the new content is important. This means adding links to the new pages in your navigation bar. You should also update any other links on your website that point to the old pages.

If you’re redesigning your website, it’s important to add new pages to reflect the new design. This will ensure that your visitors can find the information they’re looking for, and that your website looks consistent.

There are a few ways to set up page redirects in WordPress. You can either use a plugin like Redirection, or edit your .htaccess file directly.

Can this affect my Google rankings by changing my website?

It’s possible that changing your website could affect your Google rankings, but it’s unlikely. If you’re using proper SEO techniques, such as using keyword-rich titles and descriptions, then your website should be fine.

Pages that Google have listed in their search results will automatically be redirected to the new location. So, if you’re worried about your website’s ranking, then you don’t need to worry too much.

If you choose not to do the page redirection than you may loose those Google search listings as they are no longer going to a working page on your website.

ii) Adding A Call-To-Action

What is a call to action?

A call to action, or CTA, is a request for your audience to take some desired action. This could be anything from subscribing to your email list, reading a blog post, downloading a white paper, or even making a purchase.

How to use a call to action

The most effective CTAs are clear and concise, and tell the reader exactly what they need to do. They should also be placed prominently on the page, so that readers can’t miss them.

How effective is a CTA?

CTAs can be very effective in getting your audience to take the desired action. However, it’s important to test different versions of your CTA to see what works best.

Why do you need a CTA?

A CTA is a great way to increase conversions on your website or blog. By asking your readers to take a specific action, you’re more likely to get them to do it.

Best tips for creating a call to action

1. Keep it simple – Your CTA should be easy to understand and should not require too much effort on the part of the reader.

2. Be clear – Tell your audience exactly what you want them to do, and make it easy for them to do it.

3. Use strong words – Use persuasive language that will encourage your readers to take action.

4. Make it visible – Place your CTA in a prominent position on your page so that it is impossible to miss.

5. Use images – A well-designed image can be very effective in getting attention and getting your message across.

How effective is a CTA?

A CTA can be very effective in increasing conversions, but it is important to make sure that you are using them correctly. If your CTAs are not well-designed or placed prominently on your page, they may not be as effective as you would like.

iii) Adding Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re running a business, chances are you’ve been asked the same questions over and over again. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page can help to cut down on the number of times you have to answer these questions, freeing up your time to focus on other things.

An FAQ page can also be beneficial to your customers or clients, as it allows them to quickly find the answers they need without having to contact you directly. This can save them time and frustration, which could lead to them doing business with you again in the future.

Creating an FAQ page is relatively simple and only requires a few steps:

1. Make a list of the most frequently asked questions about your business, product, or service.

2. Write out clear and concise answers to each question.

3. Organize the questions and answers in a logical order.

4. Include a search function on your FAQ page so visitors can easily find what they’re looking for.

5. Add links to related pages or articles within your answers to provide further information.


By following these steps, you can create an FAQ page that will be helpful for both you and your customers. Frequently asked questions sections are a great way to improve your website and provide valuable information to your visitors.

iv) Adding New Product Information

Product information can quickly become outdated. So, if you’ve added new products to your website, it’s also important to update the product information. This includes things like pricing, features, and descriptions. You should also add pictures or videos of the new products to your website.

This will help potential customers learn more about the products and make a decision about whether or not to purchase them.

Product information is one of the most important aspects of your website. It’s what potential customers will use to decide whether or not to purchase your products. So, it’s important to keep it up-to-date and accurate. If you’ve added new products to your website, be sure to update the product information accordingly. This includes things like pricing, features, and descriptions. You should also add pictures or videos of the new products to your website. This will help potential customers learn more about the products and make a decision about whether or not to purchase them.

If you’re not sure how to write effective product information, there are a few tips you can follow:

  • Make sure the information is clear and concise.
  • Use images or videos to help explain the product.
  • Don’t forget to include a call-to-action (CTA) so potential customers know what to do next.


By following these tips, you can ensure that your product information is effective and helps convert potential customers into actual customers.

A tablet with the Google homepage on the screen

9) You Want To Be More Visible In Google

If you’re wondering how to be more visible on Google, the answer lies in understanding and utilising Google Keywords. By including relevant keywords on your website and optimising your site for search engines, you can significantly improve your chances of being found on Google.

Google Keywords are simply the words or phrases that people enter into Google when they are searching for something. For example, if someone is looking for a new car, they might type in “buy car” or “car dealerships“. By including these keywords on your website, you can make it easier for people to find you when they are searching for something specific.

In order to be visible on Google, it’s important to ensure that your website is optimised for search engines. This means that your website should be designed in a way that makes it easy for Google to find and index your content. There are a number of things that you can do to optimise your site for Google, including using relevant keywords, creating informative and keyword-rich titles and descriptions, and ensuring that your site is easy to navigate.

The most effective way to be visible on Google is to use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). By utilising SEO techniques, you can improve your website’s ranking in SERPs, making it more likely that people will find you when they are searching for something specific.

There are a number of factors that contribute to a website’s ranking in SERPs, including the relevance of the site’s content to the user’s search query, the site’s popularity, and the number of backlinks pointing to the site.

To improve your website’s ranking in SERPs, you should:

  • Use relevant keywords in your titles and descriptions
  • Create informative and keyword-rich content
  • Make sure your website is easy to navigate
  • Build high-quality backlinks to your website.
  • Updating your blog by writing new posts regularly with relevant keywords and interesting content is a great way to make your website more visible in Google. This will not only help improve your ranking in SERPs, but also increase the number of visitors to your site.
  • If you’re not sure which keywords to target, you can use Google’s Keyword Planner tool to research popular search terms that are relevant to your business.

Google wants to see that you are updating your website regularly. This means adding new content, making changes to existing content, and removing outdated content. By regularly updating your website, you will keep your site visible in SERPs and improve your chances of ranking for relevant keywords.

If you follow these tips, you’ll see an improvement in your website’s ranking in SERPs and, as a result, more traffic to your site.

What is a domain name example of the domain name and the top-level domain

10) You're Getting A New Domain Name

If you’re looking to update your domain name, there are a few things you need to consider. Domain names can impact your google search listings, so it’s important to choose wisely. You should also use website redirects to ensure that your website visitors are taken to your new domain. Lastly, keep in mind that changing your domain can affect the keywords that your current website ranks for. By following these simple tips, you can make sure that your transition to a new domain is smooth and seamless.

This means changing your website’s domain name and updating any links that point to your old domain. You should also update your email signatures, business cards, and other marketing materials with your new domain name and consider getting a professionally made logo to match your new domain name if required.

A professional Search Engine Optimisation Expert or Web Design Agency can help you with your Google Search Console redirection to help maintain or improve your website ranking on the search engine results pages.

Keyword Domain Name Checklist:

  • Relevancy: Is the domain name relevant to your business or brand?
  • Length: Keep it short, sweet, and easy to remember.
  • Keywords: Use keywords that accurately represent your business or brand.
  • Top Level Domain: Choose a .com, .com.au .net.au, or .org.au extension.
  • Avoid Hyphens: Domain names with hyphens are harder to remember and can be confused with other words.

To see available domain names that you can register, please visit our Australian domain name registration page to search for the perfect domain name today!

A lady celbrating a win launching an ecommerce website

Why You Should Refresh Your Website

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why you might need to refresh your website. Whether it’s because of a change in branding, new product information, or even just general updates, it’s important to keep your website up-to-date. So, if you’re thinking about refreshing your website, make sure to keep these things in mind. Have you refreshed your website recently? Let us know in the comments below!

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Peter Lowen Constructive Visual

Peter Lowen

Senior Web Developer | CEO

Peter Lowen is the founder and CEO of Constructive Visual, a website design and hosting company. He has been creating websites since 2005 and writes content on business, marketing, web design, sales training, web hosting and WordPress related topics.

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